Monday, May 10, 2010

Walking Tour #17

A few months ago, in anticipation of our trip, I bought a box of cards labeled Paris: 50 Adventures on Foot. Each card is a little bigger than 3 X 5, with a summary of attractions along a particular route on one side and a detailed map on the other. There are three cards devoted to our neighborhood (St. Germain), so we thought it would be fun to take one of the suggested walks. Of course we've already explored our immediate surroundings pretty thoroughly, but we didn't know much about the other side of Blvd. St. Germain, which cuts our neighborhood in half. The route took us down narrow cobblestone streets and hidden passageways, past beaucoup de restaurants and funky shops, and through a pretty residential area. We'll return soon, most likely with Lynne and Robert, to check out at least one of the restaurants--like this one, which dates back to 1686:

Tonight we returned to our neighborhood crêperie and were rewarded with free glasses of calvados (strong apple brandy) as a reward for our patronage. It was only our second time there, but the friendly waitress wanted us to know that she remembered us. What's not to like about life in Paris!

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