Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hot on the Trail

We went from shivering at bus stops to sweltering on the pavement--Paris weather did an about-face that took us by surprise. We were eager for warm weather, but we'd forgotten how hard it is to be intrepid tourists on a really hot day. The météo said the heat and humidity wouldn't last long, but meanwhile we knew we had to find a way to enjoy the city without collapsing in a sweaty heap. Steve suggested that we keep cool by returning to Pere-Lachaise Cemetery where we could try to locate the tomb of François-Joseph LeFebvre, one of Napoleon's generals who, according to LaFave family lore, is the fam's most illustrious ancestor. We bought a map of the cemetery at a newsstand outside the gates, but it only listed the most famous of the hundreds of politicians, writers, musicians, artists, and other celebrities buried there. Fortunately the cemetery's office was open, and with the help of a friendly government worker (the cemetery is under the purview of the Paris municipal government), we were able to pinpoint the exact location of Maréchal LeFebvre's tomb. We decided that the best way to prove the family connection was to have Steve pose next to the alleged ancestor's bronze bust and compare facial features. Our conclusion? If Steve shaved his beard, he could pass for François-Joseph's hotter younger brother.

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