Sunday, May 30, 2010

Au Revoir, Paris

Our last full day in Paris--a cool, cloudy Sunday with brief spurts of rain--was very much like our first one just 28 days ago. Our plan for the day was to soak up as much Parisian ambiance as possible, which meant strolling east along the banks of the Seine toward Notre Dame, stopping for lunch in a café, and combing the streets of our St. Germain neighborhood one last time. At Notre Dame we lit a candle for our two-day-old grandson, Patrick, in a side chapel dedicated to St. Etienne (a very fitting chapel indeed: Etienne translates to Steven, which is Patrick's middle name and his grandfather's name). After lunch we returned to St. Germain to check out the grounds of the École des Beaux Arts and engage in a little lèche-vitrine (window-licking) of the boutiques and galleries. Although we knew the neighborhood far better than we did one month ago, we still got turned around trying to find the Delacroix Museum, which is tucked away in a little square just a few blocks north of the Boulevard St. Germain.

A little footsore from all the walking, we returned to our apartment to pack our bags, then went out at the unheard-of hour of 5:30 to have dinner at Léon de Bruxelles, our favorite place for moules-frites. Our table looked directly onto the Boulevard St. Germain, and I'm certain I saw Clint Eastwood walk by as I was pulling a mussel from its shell.

Knowing that our airport shuttle would pick us up at 5:15 a.m. the next morning, we went to bed early with memories of our dream time in the world's most beautiful city soothing us into a peaceful night's sleep. À la prochaine, Paris!

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