Today we set out to explore the passages of Paris--the covered alleyways built in the 1800s that, according to the Michelin Guide, "were once popular shopping and meeting places where Parisians could stroll peacefully and at a safe distance from the many horses in the streets." The ones we saw today are clustered in an area north of the Louvre, in the 1st and 9th arrondisements. Most of the passages declined in popularity in the 20C, but some have been restored and are now enjoying a revival of sorts. Walking through the arcades today gave us a feeling for turn-of-the-century Paris, and we, too, enjoyed being at a safe distance from motorbikes and tour buses.
The first passage we walked through was the Passage Verdeau, which had a large antique shop and seconhand bookshops:

From there we crossed directly into the Passage Jouffroy, the first arcade to be heated. Hotel Chopin anchors one end of the passage:

Once outside, we crossed the street and entered the Passage des Panoramas, built in 1800:

We liked the Panoramas' little restaurants and cozy ambience:

The last one we walked through was the Galerie Vivienne, which is said to be the most elegant of the city's passages (we thought it was a little too snooty):

Bisons - Your post really took me back. I stayed at the Hotel Chopin years ago and it hasn't changed at all. Great photos. Thank you for the memories of beautiful Paris!