Friday, May 7, 2010

Today's Question

Q: When do you want to take a hammer to your laundry device and beat it within an inch of its life?

A: When it's a German-manufactured combo washer/dryer labeled in French.

The machine in question, a Bosch WFT 2400, looks innocent enough. But once you place your clothing inside and press the start button, may God have mercy on your soul. You'll be lucky to retrieve said clothing in anything but shrunken, lifeless shreds, albeit very clean shreds. The WFT 2400: WTF?

Laundry woes aside, we are having a fine day here. This morning we toured the Pantheon and the Conciergerie, two places we'd never visited before. Poor Marie-Antoinette was held prisoner in the Conciergerie for two months before she was beheaded, and a mock-up of her cell is displayed there. A long list of prisoners who got 'the chop' included several LeFebvres...possible distant relatives who met an unfortunate end.

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